Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Get outta my sandbox!

I am not selfish. If I have a pack of gum, I will offer you a piece. If you want my last nacho, it's yours. One thing I hate sharing, however, is my video game experience. I want to stomp every koopa in Mario, fight every Big Sister in Rapture, and kill every deity in God of war. I don't want you to participate. If I did, I would buy a multi-player game. So imagine my surprise as I was playing Crackdown 2 (disappointing, I know) when suddenly another character appeared on my screen. I was possessed by the sudden, irrepressible urge to yell "Get outta my sandbox!" Instantly, I was transported back to kindergarten, when Tiffany Johnson threw a wood block at my head because she didn't want to share. I banned her from the sandbox. I banned this character from my sandbox, too. What makes you think, Ruffian, that I want some dude (or dudette) to be able to encroach on my city? I don't want to sound like a baby here, but please, unless you're invited, stay outta my sandbox!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

VGG Lives!

Who or what is the VGG? The VGG is just a dude, specifically me, who loves video games. Am a qualified to talk about video games? Well, I won't stay up all night trying to get the last achievement. I don't know how to play Madden. But I have made the decision between filling up my truck, and buying a new game. Had to call in "sick" for a week, but it was worth it. I hope the blog will be able to provide some insight into any interesting or upsetting developments in the gaming community. But that'll only happen if you come out of your mother's basement long enough to read it.
Good reading!